More than 2 in 5 women are living with sexual dysfunction, the term used for a group of problems that affect performance and enjoyment of sex. Sexual response is a complex blend of physical, emotional, and mental factors, but consistently experiencing low sex drive, pain with intercourse, and more aren’t normal.
Sexual dysfunction is common, and Vibrant Woman Health Center in Lafayette, Louisiana, is here to take the embarrassment out of seeking treatment. Patricia Nevils, MD, and our team specialize in helping women understand their sexuality and what’s keeping them from enjoying intimacy.
Female sexual dysfunction has many faces. Causes and symptoms vary between women, but one thing is certain: You deserve a healthy, fulfilling sex life. Learn more about a few of the most common types of sexual dysfunction and how you can boost your enjoyment in the bedroom.
Low sex drive
Sex drive, or libido, describes your level of interest in having sex. It’s normal for your libido to ebb and flow over time, but long periods of disinterest in sex are a type of sexual dysfunction. Chronic low sex drive can take a toll on your relationship with your partner and your own self-esteem.
Low sex drive is often caused by hormonal imbalance, taking certain medications, and mental health conditions like depression or excessive stress. If your sexual dysfunction is linked to low libido, Dr. Nevils can diagnose potential causes and recommend treatment options to boost your sex drive.
Vaginal dryness
When you’re aroused, vaginal lubrication naturally increases to prepare your body for sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness is a type of sexual dysfunction that’s linked to difficulty getting aroused or stimulated, resulting in dryness and discomfort.
Vaginal dryness is a common symptom of menopause and other hormonal changes. It may also be caused by anxiety or circulation issues that prevent more blood from flowing to your vaginal area. Dr. Nevils can recommend hormone therapy, the O-Shot®, or other methods to increase vaginal lubrication to make sex more comfortable.
Pain with intercourse
Experiencing pain during sex can quickly make intimacy something you dread. Pain is linked to many other types of sexual dysfunction, because it affects sex drive, arousal, and intercourse itself. Vaginal dryness can trigger pain with sex, particularly if you’re struggling to get aroused enough for sex.
Dr. Nevils may perform a physical exam if sexual intercourse is painful for you. Sometimes, the pain comes from physical problems in the pelvic area, such as ovarian cysts or endometriosis. Treating these common conditions can eliminate pain with sex, as can treatment for vaginal dryness.
Inability to reach orgasm
Failing to achieve climax during sex is more than a simple frustration. It can impact your self-confidence, your interest in sex, and your relationship with your partner. Orgasm is an important part of a fulfilling sex life, and inability to reach orgasm is considered a type of sexual dysfunction.
Difficulty orgasming can be caused by a number of factors, from hormonal imbalance to insufficient stimulation. When you come to Vibrant Woman Health Center for sexual dysfunction related to lack of orgasm, Dr. Nevils might suggest the O-Shot, a painless treatment to enhance sexual function and enjoyment.
Sexual dysfunction is complex, and many women find that they experience different facets at different times in life. If you’re facing sexual dysfunction, it’s important to know that you can have a fulfilling sex life with the right treatment.
Don’t suffer sexual dysfunction in silence, and don’t be embarrassed to reach out for help. Call our office in Lafayette, Louisiana, at (337) 234-6838, request an appointment online, or send Dr. Nevils a message here on the website today.