Sexual dysfunction is a common problem, affecting up to 43% of women in the United States. It can cause a range of symptoms from low sex drive to painful intercourse.

It’s an embarrassing topic for many women to discuss, but it shouldn’t be. Your sex life naturally changes over time, and you don’t have to accept the symptoms of sexual dysfunction as an inevitable part of life.

Patricia Nevils, MD, and our Vibrant Woman Health Center team in Lafayette, Louisiana, specialize in diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunction in women of all ages. Sexual dysfunction is a real medical condition that can be treated to improve your quality of life.

Recognizing the signs of sexual dysfunction

It’s normal for your sex drive to fluctuate throughout life. Hormonal changes that come with contraception, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause can all affect your interest in sex and how intercourse feels.

Every woman’s sexuality is unique, but when symptoms persist, it can begin to disrupt your personal life. Sexual dysfunction is a common and treatable medical condition, but it’s not always easy to know when you should seek help.

There are some common symptoms that aren’t normal. You could be suffering from sexual dysfunction if you have:

  • Low or nonexistent sex drive
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain with sex
  • Inability to achieve orgasm

The symptoms are often interlinked. For example, difficulty getting aroused may cause vaginal dryness, which makes intercourse painful. Painful intercourse can make orgasm impossible, and both can affect your sex drive.

Sexual dysfunction may be linked to a history of abuse or trauma. But for many women, it’s caused by physical issues or a hormonal imbalance that can be treated to give them relief from their symptoms.

If the signs of sexual dysfunction sound familiar, schedule an appointment with us. Dr. Nevils and our team are experienced in recognizing, diagnosing, and treating many causes of sexual dysfunction.

We begin with a full review of your medications and health history, along with a comprehensive physical exam to rule out health conditions like ovarian cysts or endometriosis. After we uncover the root cause of your symptoms, we recommend a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Treatment options for female sexual dysfunction

Your body is unique, and that’s why we offer a range of treatment options to address your sexual concerns. If you’re not unhappy with your sex life, you might not need to pursue treatments right now.

If you are bothered by symptoms, however, we’re here to help. Some women find that stopping hormonal birth control medication and switching to other methods of contraception relieve symptoms. Others see an improvement in their symptoms when they make healthy lifestyle changes, such as getting regular exercise and managing stress.

For more severe symptoms, Dr. Nevils may recommend hormone replacement therapy or an in-office procedure.

Hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy could be a good option for you if Dr. Nevils identifies a hormonal imbalance. Hormone levels drop when you’re in perimenopause and menopause, and hormone replacement therapy could restore balance and help you feel better.

We offer hormone replacement with BioTE® pellets, and Dr. Nevils works with you to develop a customized dose of estrogen, testosterone, or both to relieve symptoms.

O-Shot® injections

When physical changes in your vaginal area are contributing to sexual dysfunction, minimally invasive tissue regeneration could relieve symptoms. Dr. Nevils offers the O-Shot® as an alternative treatment option for women experiencing sexual dysfunction.

The O-Shot uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from your own blood to revitalize atrophied vaginal tissue. Treatment may stimulate blood flow, increase sex drive, and make intercourse more enjoyable.

Noninvasive procedures for vaginal rejuvenation

Dr. Nevils and our team also offer another option for vaginal rejuvenation: noninvasive tissue stimulation. We use two different devices, InMode Votiva and Cliovana™, to gently stimulate tissue growth and blood flow at a cellular level, which reduces the negative symptoms of sexual dysfunction.

Both devices are distinctly designed for a woman’s anatomy. Votiva uses radiofrequency and Cliovana uses sound waves, and Dr. Nevils can help you determine which device may be right for you.

Don’t settle for a lackluster sex life. Talk to Dr. Nevils to find out if sexual dysfunction is the reason behind your symptoms, and get started on a treatment plan that’s right for you. Call us at (337) 234-6838 or request an appointment online.

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